Friday, November 27, 2009

Get to know Chiho.

I was first introduced to the art of Chiho Aoshima when my friend brought me to see her installation at the ICA Boston. It was on a very large wall leading into the museum and it was titled "The Divine Gas".
At first glance it appeared to be a girl crouched down on the ground with gasses floating up from her butt.

I was not getting it.

But then looking closer I realized that this was not as it appeared to be.
There was an entire world in there. This girl had cities and oceans for eyes! The gasses were magical clouds. She was larger than the trees and her hair flowed out behind her and danced across the wall.
It was heart wrenching and beautiful.

I have since studied much of Chiho's art and have sensed a theme.

Magic and sadness and a big sign that screams "Look Closer!"

That's what I feel when I see all of her pieces.

There is always an element that makes me feel like I am being scolded in some way and then another strong element that hints at a magic healing of sorts. There is a story being played out in each work.

Chiho has said “My work feels like strands of my thoughts that have flown around the universe before coming back to materialize,” .

Regardless of what her art means or represents, she is an interesting chick and I'm excited to see what comes from her in the future!

Lesson for the day: Look Closer.

Insta Chic! You're gonna need a bib.

The bib necklace is not going anywhere.

It's on the celebs, it's at the shows, and it's featured in your magazines.

In the time that I've been alive it's been in style at least three times which makes it something you should have in your jewelry repertoire.
There are many different styles to choose from and it can get confusing. If you are looking for just one bib you need to make sure it's versatile. Try not to get a flimsy chain one. They can be cute but it's a little sloppy and can't be worn with as many options. Try to get one that looks solid.

The whole point is that it's a statement.

You can see that Molly Sims has on a pretty black dress with hers. The dress is fairly simple and the necklace is the focal point.

It's what you put on when you are just wearing a tshirt and jeans and you want to add something chic and classy to your ensemble. If you wear it with a dress try to pair it with a solid colored one so that it stands out. Also, try to remember that this is the only necklace that looks even better OVER your clothes. Here are some rad options depending on your budget.

JcPenny has some great options at prices you can feel OK about. Both of these are fantastic. Buy these if you are not too sure about the trend and you just want to try incorporating it.
buy it HERE.

and HERE.

"stella and dot" have great jewelry. The workmanship and details are superior. I have just ordered this bib from my stylist for $118. I plan on wearing it with everything this year. I already know that it will look fantastic with my white tshirt, jeans, and grey boyfriend cardigan. It's so rich and the pearls make it look solid.

So excited for it to come!

Get it HERE.

This one was featured in InStyle recently.
I love the mix of delicate and tough!

It's standard amazingness.
Get it for $198 HERE.
IMPORTANT! I'm hooking you into my stylists account because that's the way they do it over there at "stella and dot". She rocks. If you get either of these or any other jewelry on the site in the next two days use coupon code FAMILY09 for 25% off.


Holiday shopping done and done!

Donna Karen has a chain version that is gorgeous and it is the only one I've seen lately that is the exception to the aforementioned rules. There are so many chains that it looks solid but the chain makes it movable and pretty on skin.
This gives you a bit of a tough girl edge.
Mix it with cashmere!
It is $2,495.
So it's more of an investment piece.

The point is you don't have to spend crazy amounts of money to get an amazing statement necklace. If you do just make sure it's one you see yourself wearing for a long

Taking LBD to the next level.

This girl is my hero right now.
She should be yours too.
Her name is Sheena and she is wearing the same black dress for a YEAR for "The Uniform Project."

Check the website out HERE.

She has seven versions of this dress and she wears donated accessories and vintage pieces with it to spice it up.

The girl has to be inventive 365 times. C'mon!

She is raising money for slum kids in India to go to school.

On the site it says that the "AKANKSHA Project" is trying to get money for kids to have schools in Mumbai and Pune.

$360= 1 school year for 1 child.

That's what some people spend on a pair of boots!


Can we say inspirational?

I know you guys were thinking of renting "Slumdog Millionaire" one more time.

Unless you have a heart made of wrinkled up old garbage, this movie had an effect on you.

The slums of India are a stinky place to grow up.

Especially if you don't have school to look forward to.

I love how that movie showed the dude getting out of there!

He got the girl.

It was a real "feel good film".

Well if you have already seen it, why not use that money HERE instead?
Let's make someone else "feel good".

Spread the wealth yo!

$4 on a movie rental? $4 on a kids future? hmmmmmm.

You can contact the Uniform Project if you have some awesome things that you want to donate or even better donate some money!
It's pretty easy to do.
So far they have raised over $31,000!

But they need much much more.

I hate to think of kids not being able to go to school.

That blows.

Help a sister out.

Get ideas from her daily fashion updates.


We CAN all make the world an awesome place to be.
I'm going to go donate right now so that I'm not a hypocrite. xxx

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Lunges made better!

Saddlebags. Fat-ass. Wide Load. Flabby Butt.
It's cause I hate Lunges!
Lunges are a very peculiar form of torture....usually. But I recently found out about this really cool tool called the "Valslide". It was created by fitness guru Valerie Waters. She is the master behind many of Hollywood's hottest bodies. Most notably, she is responsible for Jennifer Garner having such an amazing body since day one of Alias.

So the "Valslide" works kind of like a sock on a slippery floor does. It's a pad that you put your foot on and you can slide strategically BACKWARDS to get a deep lunge. Those flabby butt cheeks will look hot and taut in no time ladies!

I am actually starting to like lunges.
No joke.
AND I feel really strong!
The "Valslides" can be used to work almost every muscle in your body. I have to say that some of the exercises are not easy. The abs are really hard for me.
But on the upside I can tell that if I work at it I might get some serious looks from the hot availables at the beach this summer.
But the lunges. Oh the lunges. So good so good! I just watch a movie and make up fun things to do with them. I like that it doesn't put that nasty pressure on my knees either.

HERE is a cute video of Jennifer Garner showing how cool they are. It's $36.99 for the kit and you can order it HERE.
Valerie is strong and positive and she seems to genuinely enjoy making us feel better and stronger. She is a really great motivator and I urge everyone to check out her blog here.

Work it girls! C'mon! xxx

Hey Did You Know?

That this is a Van Gogh?
I know crazy right?
What I want to know is who the toolbag was that decided I was supposed to look at boring old haystacks and sunflowers when I could have been looking at this? I mean no offense I like the other stuff but this is creepy and awesome and truthful. C'mon!
If you want to see this in person head on over to the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.
Pick me up a print please! Thanks!xxx

Heiress Hush Hush web tip of the day!

Okay so If you looked in my Alexa Chung post you may have seen a picture of Alexa wearing high ass brown heels or wedges with socks and black jeans. Love Love Love this look! If you are anywhere near as amazing as I am you shop cheap. Check THIS out. Granted these are high. But how cute for the winter? At $24.99 how can you complain? I especially like to save money on shoes. I like to be able to buy the trend but not cry over the trend. When these are no longer cool I will not be upset because $25 bucks is nothing to cry over. If I were to spend $400 dollars however, I better be buried in them and they better be in style.

Who I will dream about tonight.

Seth Macfarlane.

OK. So he is not traditionally hot. But watch three episodes of Family Guy and I dare you not to be in love with him

I feel like I know him. I feel like he has reached down into my soul and pulled out all that makes me who I am.
He's dirty. He's geeky. He's not politically correct. He IS deceivingly political though. He has the smile of a newborn baby... but in a hot way.

I heart him.

I don't want kids but if he does I might push one out. If only just to clone him.
watch episodes of Family Guy HERE.

Kick Ass Female of the Day!

Gwyneth Paltrow.

Have you checked out her legs?
They're amazing!

Have you checked out her husband?
He's magical!

Have you checked out her freakin rad blog?

No joke... I never was a huge fan until I stumbled on a weird Italian/travel/cooking show thing she did a while back.( No energy to look it up.) I was all ready to make fun of her for being a pompous ass. I thought she was going to try to wow me with her 900 languages and celebrity family upbringing. But crap!
She was honest and cultured and real.

I was so excited to check out her blog! I have been following it since it's inception and am proud to say I've learned a few things. Yay! She has a really cool section called "BE". She poses deep questions to smart people so that I don't have to.

I love that she gets a different perspective from a bunch of different people. It's not all about "Gwyneth". It's more about cool interesting things that she is learning and sharing with everyone. So she isn't a selfish girl(Will she share Chris?).

Sign up for email alerts so you know when there is a new post. Yay!
I don't care what anyone says, she is a fantastic human. And tell me she did not work damn hard for them gams!
Squat City! Lunge Land! C'mon!

The girl least likely to...

copy you.

Alexa Chung.

How I love thee!

Lemme go ahead and count the ways...

1) You are British. I have a fondness for Brits.

2)You have a raspy man voice.
It doesn't go with your cute little dresses and your skinny long legs.
I love it.
I just hope it's not from smoking.
Because then that would mean you are slowly dying.

3)Those random blonde streaky chunk things. I'm into it.

4)You love Vintage. I love Vintage. We could be sisters really.

5) You're a dj.
I'm not sure if there is anything cooler.
If you're decent that is.

6) You're dating the dude from Arctic Monkeys.
No wonder you're a dj!
You like good music apparently.

.P.S.- see the blonde!

7)You do the 60s black eyeliner.

8) You add the unexpected.
. Hello socks and shoes with your rolled up black jeans.

9)You are always classy.
Even while wearing an old beat up Tshirt and ripped jean shorts.

10) You are like the ingenues of old. The ones we always stare at and wonder who they really are and what's going on in their heads. You're mysterious and artistic and I'm copying you.

So...I hope that's okay.

I have a feeling we will be seeing you for quite some time my maybe you should quit smoking. xxx