Friday, November 27, 2009

Get to know Chiho.

I was first introduced to the art of Chiho Aoshima when my friend brought me to see her installation at the ICA Boston. It was on a very large wall leading into the museum and it was titled "The Divine Gas".
At first glance it appeared to be a girl crouched down on the ground with gasses floating up from her butt.

I was not getting it.

But then looking closer I realized that this was not as it appeared to be.
There was an entire world in there. This girl had cities and oceans for eyes! The gasses were magical clouds. She was larger than the trees and her hair flowed out behind her and danced across the wall.
It was heart wrenching and beautiful.

I have since studied much of Chiho's art and have sensed a theme.

Magic and sadness and a big sign that screams "Look Closer!"

That's what I feel when I see all of her pieces.

There is always an element that makes me feel like I am being scolded in some way and then another strong element that hints at a magic healing of sorts. There is a story being played out in each work.

Chiho has said “My work feels like strands of my thoughts that have flown around the universe before coming back to materialize,” .

Regardless of what her art means or represents, she is an interesting chick and I'm excited to see what comes from her in the future!

Lesson for the day: Look Closer.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...I had never heard of her before....she is amazing and I love her quote....
