Thursday, November 26, 2009

Lunges made better!

Saddlebags. Fat-ass. Wide Load. Flabby Butt.
It's cause I hate Lunges!
Lunges are a very peculiar form of torture....usually. But I recently found out about this really cool tool called the "Valslide". It was created by fitness guru Valerie Waters. She is the master behind many of Hollywood's hottest bodies. Most notably, she is responsible for Jennifer Garner having such an amazing body since day one of Alias.

So the "Valslide" works kind of like a sock on a slippery floor does. It's a pad that you put your foot on and you can slide strategically BACKWARDS to get a deep lunge. Those flabby butt cheeks will look hot and taut in no time ladies!

I am actually starting to like lunges.
No joke.
AND I feel really strong!
The "Valslides" can be used to work almost every muscle in your body. I have to say that some of the exercises are not easy. The abs are really hard for me.
But on the upside I can tell that if I work at it I might get some serious looks from the hot availables at the beach this summer.
But the lunges. Oh the lunges. So good so good! I just watch a movie and make up fun things to do with them. I like that it doesn't put that nasty pressure on my knees either.

HERE is a cute video of Jennifer Garner showing how cool they are. It's $36.99 for the kit and you can order it HERE.
Valerie is strong and positive and she seems to genuinely enjoy making us feel better and stronger. She is a really great motivator and I urge everyone to check out her blog here.

Work it girls! C'mon! xxx

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